Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/16/2021 - 5:30 PM
Category: Report on Contracts
Type: Info/Action
Subject: 4.10 Imagine Learning
Enclosure Imagine Learning Contract Summary
File Attachment:
Imagine Learning 2021-2022 School Board Summary.docx
Summary: This contract would be for option year 2. The district agrees to pay Consultant a total fee not to exceed $302,926.00 as compensation for Imagine Learning Language and Literacy, Imagine Learning Math and Imagine Learning Español licenses for MLLs. Additionally, the contract would cover 12 professional development trainings for staff implementation.
Funding: Title I and Title III
Recommendation: It is recommended that the contract with Imagine Learning Inc. be approved for FY22. Imagine Learning was selected as a supplemental resource for MLLs based on the following staff analysis:

• This vendor has shown evidence of MLL student achievement growth in large urban districts and is one of 4 vendors recommended by the Council of Great City Schools to help close MLL student achievement gaps.
• The rigorous online learning platforms are aligned to CCSS, are specifically designed to support students develop academic language through content learning, and continuously adapt based on the individual language development needs of each student.
• Capacity to provide high-quality ongoing progress monitoring by student, class & school;
• Capacity to provide parents with progress reports in multiple languages
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jennifer Efflandt - Director of English Language Learners
Signed By:
Khechara Bradford - Deputy Superintendent of Academics Office
Signed By:
Christopher Petisce - Acting Business Manager
Signed By:
Charles Ruggerio - Legal Counsel
Vote Results: