Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/16/2021 - 5:30 PM
Category: Report on Contracts
Type: Info/Action
Subject: 4.2 Teaching Strategies
Enclosure Teaching Strategies
File Attachment:
TSG ESB June 2021 (002).docx
Summary: Teaching Strategies Creative Curriculum for Pre-School, Creative Curriculum Cloud and GOLD (TSG) were selected by Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) as the high quality curriculum programming for classroom instruction and tool for measuring early childhood and Pre-Kindergarten child outcomes. Teaching Strategies Creative Curriculum and Cloud service provide the program material instructional resources to support daily classroom instruction in all PreKindergarten classrooms aligned to PreKindergarten learning standards. The team recommends approval of the Teaching Strategies contract as the program and platform meet state and federal reporting requirements and serves as the district-wide Pre-Kindergarten instructional program and assessment.

Teaching Strategies agrees to:
Provide program materials and access to Teaching Strategies GOLD, an online reporting and assessment system comprised of proprietary content, activities, articles, tools, and other materials and proprietary and third party software applications, databases and services. This access allows teachers to:
a) Use a variety of online tools to gather and organize meaningful data quickly, including online portfolios where children’s work can be stored;
b) Create a developmental profile of each child to answer the questions, "What does this child know? What is he or she able to do?" that can be used to scaffold each child’s learning; and
c) Generate comprehensive reports that can be customized easily and shared with family members and other stakeholders
Funding: CLSD
Recommendation: Administration recommends School Board Approval.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Susan Chin - Zone Executive Director of Elementary
Signed By:
Khechara Bradford - Deputy Superintendent of Academics Office
Signed By:
Christopher Petisce - Acting Business Manager
Signed By:
Zachary Scott - Chief Operating Officer
Signed By:
Charles Ruggerio - Legal Counsel
Vote Results: